Welcome to the Polar Plunge for BEL Rotary Club

Rotary Club of Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield

Pledge Your Support for Jennefer Lyons

My personal goal: $500.00
Total raised to date: $0.00

I am at 0% of my goal!






I have Chosen The Canadian Cancer Society- wheels of hope because it has helped me. Last year I was diagnosed with Cancer and I have witnessed first hand how every dollar helps. It’s hard enough going through the treatments, having the support of someone picking you up and dropping you off is just one little relief. I’d like to give back to them because they have helped me so much.

I am a member of The Barbie Brrigade

I am proudly supporting Canadian Cancer Society as well as Rotary Club of Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield


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