Welcome to the Polar Plunge for BEL Rotary Club

Rotary Club of Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield

Pledge Your Support for Alexiya Falconi

50% of your pledge will be donated to Alzheimer Society
50% will be donated to BEL Rotary

Fill out the form below to pledge your support.

Participant/Team:   Alexiya Falconi
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:   
City: *
Postal/Zip Code:   
Must match billing statement
Phone: *
Email: *
Payment Method: * Credit Card
Card Number: *
Card Expires: *
Card Security/CVV Code: *
Name on Card: *
Donation Amount: *

Anonymous:   (Checking this will hide your name except for taxation purposes)
Privacy Agreement:   I understand that my contact information may be shared with Alzheimer Society for receipting purposes.


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