Fundraising Rescources

Here are some tips and resources to help ensure fundraising success for you and your team!

Thank you for your help to raised much needed funds so Hospice Peterborough can continue to offer 26+ programs and services to those in our community who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, are at the end of life, and those who are grieving.


Consider why you are participating

It is much easier to ask other to support your Hike if you have already done so! Be the first to support your Hike!

Have you or someone you know been impacted by Hospice Peterborough's work? Share this story (make sure you have permission to share or respect privacy). Get comfortable with telling your story with others. Don't underestimate the power of sharing.

eg: My dad was lucky enough to be cared for at the Peterborough Hospice. They helped him continue to laugh throughout the time he was there and I truly believe helped him to embrace and enjoy all of the moments that he could. By doing this they looked after us as well, so we could have those last special memories to take with us. Dad always taught us the gift of giving back and so today I am asking you to join me in supporting Hospice Peterborough by sponsoring me in my Hike. Include your personalized fundraising link (which can be found on your Participant Page).


Harness the power of social media

Some of the quickest, most efficient ways to access your networks is through email and social media.

This is made simple through your personalized fundraising link accessed from your Profile page. This link is unique to you and will take anyone you share it with to your donation page.

Share this link wherever you can; Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, put it in your email signature!



Want to illustrate impact with some stats? This past year...



